Abstracts are blindly reviewed by the abstract committee. Presenting authors will be notified if their abstract is chosen for poster display on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM. The abstract submission deadline is August 1, 2023. You must register for the in-person conference as the poster presentations will only be available in-person and not online.
Only abstracts submitted in proper form will be considered. Please use the template which is available at the below website.
that the disclosure form is completed and returned with the abstract. (Only Presenting Author needs to complete this form)
Email the file to: AnesthesiaConference@childrens.harvard.edu. Subject line should read: Abstract submission – Presenting Author’s Last Name, 1.e. – “Abstract Submission – Smith”.
These documents will be processed electronically. The blinded copy will be torn off and submitted to the reviewers. If your document does not strictly follow the proper format, it will not be processed.