Airway Management: A Lecture and Hands-On Workshop for Basic and Advanced Airway Management Skills (Mask Ventilation, LMA and Endotracheal Intubation)
Workshop Director: Jennifer Dearden, MD
This workshop emphasizes airway assessment , decision-making and management. Our goal is to enable participants to manage any airway obstruction which they may encounter in their practice of medicine or dentistry. Our “practice-changing” program offers various hands-on stations which shall reinforce learning with diagrams, pictorials and videos. There will be ample practice time with a variety of airway equipment, taught by our expert airway faculty.
Program Highlights
- Small faculty-to-student ratio
- Neonatal, Pediatric and Adult Mannequins available
- Identify airway landmarks and associated anomalies, and their impact on ventilation
- Learn simple bag mask ventilation
Incorporate airway maneuvers and positioning tactics, to enhance oxygenation
- Apply airway adjuncts to alleviate obstruction
Understand CPAP/Bipap
- Learn to predict a difficult airway and prevent a failed airway
- Integrate guidelines into practice when managing the pediatric airway
- Normal versus Abnormal airway anatomy
- Bag Mask Ventilation (methods for opening the airway, performing external laryngeal manipulation, insertion of airway adjuncts)
- Supraglottic Devices (LMA, Air-Q, ProSeal, Unique)
Nasal/Oral Intubation
- Videolaryngoscopes (McGrath, AirTraq, CMAC & Glidescope)
- Fiberoptic Options
Hands-On Magic Workshop: Hocus Pocus Anxiolysis!
Workshop Director: Kevin Spencer, PhD, M.Ed., BS
The MAGIC THERAPY workshop empowers healthcare professionals with a valuable new tool for distraction and anxiolysis. This approach has demonstrated positive results in the reduction of anxiety, building rapport and trust, increasing environmental mastery, providing opportunities for choice and autonomy, and improving affect and self-concept. This workshop is a “hands-on, interactive learning experience” so come prepared to wave a wand and create a little magic!
Hands on Virtual Reality Workshop- It’s Too Real To Be Believed!
Workshop Director: Hunter Hoffman, PhD
Hunter Hoffman, a pioneer of VR therapy, the co-originator of Virtual Reality analgesia and designer of SnowWorld, will show you examples of VR goggles currently available and affordable, and easy to use, and will briefly discuss what is on the near horizon.
Each attendee will get to try several interesting immersive therapeutic virtual reality experiences including
a) the illusion of presence in VR (“being there” in the 3D computer generated world),
b) the illusion of embodiment of an avatar (cyberhands that you control with your own hands),
c) SnowCanyon pain distraction for patients that need to stay still during the procedure,
d) Mindfulness River (for patients that need to stay still during the procedure), and
e) 360 videos seen in the VR goggles, custom designed to educate patients and staff.
No previous video game or VR experience is required of attendees. This hands on workshop will be a relaxed and friendly interactive environment with emphasis on VR demos, but incorporating time for questions and discussion and for brainstorming with attendees about how health care providers can use VR during sedation outside of the operation room to make medical procedures less painful, less scary and more fun (e.g., during IV placement, MRI scans, dental procedures, and beyond). VR is a powerful non-pharmacologic analgesic and anxiolytic. Used in addition to traditional sedation, VR may improve patient cooperation, and could potentially reduce adverse events and pediatric toxicity (e.g., by reducing the level of sedation required by some patients). VR analgesia has been shown to reduce pain during a wide range of medical procedures, and fMRI brain scans show VR reduces pain-related brain activity. VR is now affordable. Give it a go!